Creative Director


TWG Portfolio Redesign

Zanna Roberts Rossi represents a new class of talent in the fashion/lifstyle space, artists that don’t fit into one category.  Zanna is not only a stylist, but also a fashion editor, model, cofounder, brand ambassador and on-air talent. Zanna not only creates content but also has a robust publishing platform and large social followings. While artists like Zanna are very appealing and lucrative to brands, their breadth of expertise are simply not conveyed properly through traditional portfolios. 



I led a team that based on site analytics, and exploratory sessions with portfolio editors and artist managers, pinpointed the most influential information for brands and PR agencies when looking to partner with talent. Based on this information I created a number of portfolio modules, allowing for each portfolio to be quickly customized per artist, or per pitch simply by turning on or off different modules.


Objective: Find an innovative comprehensive way to showcase Zanna Roberts-Rassi and convey the breadth and quality of her work as well as show her personality and social/web followings while also staying on brand. 

Solution: A one page multimedia micro site walking users through who Zanna is, what she’s done, who she reaches, and a few case studies to show how she can interface with brands and consumers.